Pipeline Integrity Management
ELK has positioned itself to act as the Integrity Management (IM) Department for small to medium sized pipeline systems who do not wish to establish an IM staff in-house. We can offer any or all of the following services in support of each pipeline company’s in-house activities:
- Record Review and Evaluations
- Construction Documents
- Historical Operating Data
- Pressure, Flow Assessment
- Cathodic Protection Survey Data
- Evaluation
- Pigging Data Evaluation
- Land Use and Population Data
- Geographical Data
- Graphic Data Base Development
- Numeric Data Base Development
Risk Assessment
- Advise in Determining Pipeline HCA’s
- Determine Effects of Pipeline in HCA’s
- Assist with Baseline Integrity Inspections
- Internal Assessment
- “Smart Pig” Surveys
- Hydrostatic Testing
- Perform Direct Assessment
- Close Interval Survey
- Soil Resistivity Surveys
- DC Voltage Gradient Surveys
- AC Voltage Gradient Surveys
- Guided Wave Ultrasonic Tests
- Bell Hole Inspections
- Establish GPS Coordinates
We are prepared to provide direction, program management, training, budgets, additional personnel recommendations and other support services to a small operator in their efforts to comply with Federal and State IM rules. Our goal is to establish a working partnership with each pipeline operator to help comply with the regulations in the most cost effective and timely manner possible. The pipeline operator will do as much of the work as their in-house staff has the time, technical capability and equipment to do. ELK will provide expertise, technical knowledge and equipment to complete the remaining tasks. We will establish working partnerships with qualified subcontractors to perform specialized tasks such as intelligent pigging operations.
While ELK may be tasked with providing technical direction for the program, the pipeline operator retains full autonomy, making decisions in the following areas:
- Budget and timing
- Manpower allocations
- Division of tasks between in-house and ELK staff
- Timing of individual tasks
- Reporting to Federal/State agencies
- CAD work (graphic data base)
- Input and maintenance of numeric data base
- Review and input of existing records
By combining the efforts of many small operators, we anticipate being able to develop IM plan language and record keeping format commonalties. This will result in cost savings for all parties. In this manner, we can to assist pipeline clients in meeting Federal and State mandated deadlines on time and at the lowest possible cost to each operator.